My friend,
Kate Dana, introduced me to the Craft Mafia. She's part of the San Fran Famligia. I looked through the famligia and ended up at
Etsy, a store for home crafters. I love the acrylic pendants that people are making with 50's motifs. I am amused by the ads that make being home to cook and clean for a hard working husband while watching the children seem so fufulling. We've certainly evolved from that. Don't get me wrong, I love being home with my kiddoes, but honestly, hubby drops trou in the bathroom and he can take them to the laundry hamper if not do a load of laundry that includes clothes from the children that WE have together. I got to thining about what I could to to mimick the idea and it came to me, altered counter chips. You know, the tile things you get at home improvement stores. It was a half day for the kids so we took a tour around Home Depot (I live in Atlanta, of course it was Home Depot!) and picked up some tiles while picking up paint chips for my son's room.
Tonight I did a batch of them trying to keep a common theme for each chip. I think I'm going to wear them two at a time, one hanging from a loop off the other. And, as I evolve and get better, I'll start drilling holes in the bottom to add beads and such. Still, between the mod podge, both glitter and gloss, some
rockettes, and ribbon later, I'm learning.
Here are 3 that I'm working on...ignore the white, especially around the rockettes, they're still drying. They are the same chips in both pictures, just reverse sides. I am giggling at the last one with the cute lovers on the front and an ad about how many a marriage was broken and marriage vow forgotten because of eye strain so be sure to get your eyes checked. HA! Really?! I have another (that didn't photograph so well) that has a couple embracing and she's holding a box of bran cereal. The hubby is looking at the cereal. On the back I'm going to put "he's in love with another bran".
Wearable art! Fun!